Art today?

View the exhibition and then discuss art over a meal in the restaurant. In this way, the Tanglberg/Schloss Hochhaus gallery meets the taste of art lovers.


© Petra Zechmeister

Franz Blaas, Hubert Scheibl, Elfie Semotan, u.a (Artists)
Rudolf Fischer, Thomas Macho, Jeannette Fischer, Walter Grasskamp, Tone Fink, Angela Stief, Leonie Mir (Symposium-Guests)
Erich Spitzbart (Galerie Tanglberg) (Project manager)

Simone Barlian (Head of Programme Visual Arts)
Teresa Kranawetter (Assistance Visual Arts)


About the project

Gallery Tanglberg/Castle Hochhaus as a forum of exchange about visual art and revival of “Eat Art”.

The Sammlung Zeichnung – Galerie Tanglberg in Schloss Hochhaus is organizing a discursive discussion format in an open atmosphere, which aims to serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas about visual art. The symposium on “the status of contemporary visual art today” will focus on aspects such as collecting and showing visual art in the field of tension between private and public presentation and reception, as well as art in the context of enjoyment. The event is intended to be accessible to a broad public from the fields of art and science to business.
Following the exhibition visits, art will be discussed over a shared meal in the restaurant during table discussions. The four artist dinners are accompanied by artistic interventions, performances and talks, e.g. “Eat Art”. As early as 1997, large exhibitions were held in the gallery, which were combined with cooking performances by the respective artist. On the occasion of the Capital of Culture, this format will be taken up again and revived.