
Queer Communities in Rural Areas

In order to facilitate the exchange of experiences among like-minded people and seekers also in rural areas, the women’s* drop-in centres contribute to the establishment of a queer community in the Salzkammergut with this project. The aim is to provide a home base and infrastructure for an active community that will exist beyond the project period. The second goal is an experimental short film series and artistic photo positions that convey queer life in the Salzkammergut via social media.

Subject to change
© Karolina Jackowska

Sabine Weninger-Bodlak, INSEL – Mädchen- und Frauenzentrum, Scharnstein (project management)
Birgit Hofstätter, Frauen*forum Salzkammergut, Ebensee (content management)
Hanna Hofstätter, Karolina Jackowska (artists)
Community Building Austria, Expertise Community Building, FiB – Frauen in Bewegung Gmunden; Frauensicht – Frauenberatungsstelle Inneres Salzkammergut, Tartu 2024, Chemnitz 2025 (cooperation partners)

Christina Jaritsch (Head of Programme Climate Change, Gender Diversity)

until December 2024

About the project

Despite increasing visibility and decreasing clichéd representations of queer characters in cinema and television productions, LGBTIQ* still find themselves confronted with partly openly, partly subliminally expressed reservations and rejections in their everyday lives. In order to facilitate the exchange of experiences among like-minded people and seekers in rural areas, the Women’s Focal Points contribute to the establishment of a queer community in the Salzkammergut with this project. Exchange with existing initiatives and good practice in rural areas (e.g. as well as a range of events and regular meeting places at different locations in the Salzkammergut should create points of contact. The aim is to provide a home base and infrastructure for an active community that will exist beyond the project period. The second goal is an experimental short film series and artistic photo positions that convey queer life in the Salzkammergut via social media.