
4th Long Night of Industrial Culture

05/09/24Tourismusverband Traunsee-AlmtalToscanapark 1, 4810 Gmunden
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© Tourismusverband Traunsee-Almtal


4th LONG NIGHT OF INDUSTRIAL CULTURE – Thursday, 5 September 2024

For centuries, the Salzkammergut region has been characterised by industry and crafts, it is part of our culture and goes back a long way into the past. The Long Night of Industrial Culture gives you the opportunity to get to know participating businesses!

The Long Night will take place this year on Thursday, 5 September, when industrial companies, museums and training centres will open their doors to registered visitors. The Long Night of Industrial Culture allows interested people to take an otherwise impossible look behind the scenes of industry on this one day from 16:00 – 22:00 and experience it up close.


For this year’s Long Night of Industrial Culture, 27 companies and museums in the Traunsee-Almtal region are providing insights and opening their doors. All 27 participants show their individual side and put together a great supporting programme. Through presentations, guided tours, tours, product presentations, dialogues, … pupils, students, job and apprenticeship seekers, tourists, locals and generally interested people experience authentic industry up close and immerse themselves in industrial history. The companies & museums are rounded off and musically supported by the Gmunden Festival Weeks, which put together an individual music programme.

More information on the participating companies and their programme can be found at

1. Salinen Austria AG
2. OÖ Seilbahnholding GmbH mit Feuerkogel Seilbahn
3. Stern & Hafferl Verkehr – Remise 1894 in Gmunden
4. Traunsee Schifffahrt
5. OÖ Seilbahnholding GmbH mit Grünberg Seilbahn
6. Gmundner Keramik Manufaktur
7. Salzkammergut Media GesmbH
8. Rohrdorfer Zement GmbH
9. Laufen Austria AG
10. Carvatech Karosserie- und Kabinenbau GmbH
11. System7
12. Voith Austria GmbH
13. Getränke Wagner
14. MIBA AG – Standort Laakirchen
15. Brauerei Schloss Eggenberg
16. Wolf Systembau GesmbH

17. Museum Ebensee
18. Viechtauer Heimathaus
19. K-Hof Museum
20. Papiermachermuseum Steyrermühl
21. Kunstfabrik 4.0
22. Schiffleutmuseum Stadl Paura
23. Museum d. Region Vorchdorf & Kitzmantelfabrik
24. Schrift- und Heimatmuseum Bartlhaus
25. Sensenmuseum Geyerhammer

26. Waldcampus Österreich
27. Pferdezentrum Stadl Paura

More information at

Online registration for guided tours is expected to be possible from 1 July 2024.


Event info

Tourismusverband Traunsee-Almtal
Toscanapark 1, 4810 Gmunden