
Non-binary in Austria

19/11/24Frauenforum SalzkammergutSoleweg 7/3, 4802 Ebensee
© Karolina Jackowska


Changing rooms, pronouns, retirement age: the distinction between men and women is as ubiquitous as it is self-evident. In conversations with non-binary people, Jona Moro explored the fact that the omnipresence of binary gender does not end with the ‘toilet issue’, but is inscribed in the lives and identity of non-binary people: What does it mean to live in a society that negates one’s own (gender) existence? What changes do non-binary people demand from politics and society?

Lecture by Jona Moro, actor, gender researcher, activist, Vienna


In order to facilitate the exchange of experiences among like-minded people and those looking for support in rural areas, the women’s centres are helping to establish a queer community in the Salzkammergut with this project. The aim is to initially provide a home base and infrastructure for an active community that will exist beyond the duration of the project. The second goal is an experimental short film series and artistic photo positions that communicate queer life in the Salzkammergut via social media.
More about the project at

Event info

Frauenforum Salzkammergut
Soleweg 7/3, 4802 Ebensee