
Reading in the lake #2

Karin Hochegger: "The gifts of water"

28/07/24Freizeitanlage SeebahnhofTraunsteinstrasse 10, 4810 Gmunden
Plateau Blo
© Plateau Blo


Karin Hochegger reads: "Die Gaben des Wassers" accompanied by violinist Lena Aigner 

In praise of living and still waters
Whether May rain or morning dew, muddy puddle or light pond, wild river or the dark eye of the moor, water inexhaustibly promotes the richness of life. It enables renewal wherever it is invited to unfold its effect. We are connected to everything through water, we are part of its cycle. Water is the basis of our lives, we should protect it.

Its manifestations in the landscape form the blue thread of Karin Hochegger’s observations of nature. Her new volume “The Gifts of Water” combines the precise perception and observation of various freshwaters with a wealth of ecological and cultural-historical knowledge – from springs to ponds, pools and ponds to rivers.

Karin Hochegger worked for many years as a nature conservation expert. She currently heads the Liezen district office of the Nature Conservation Association and works on renaturation projects for moors and wetlands in Ausseerland and Ennstal in Austria.

In case of bad weather:
The reading will take place in the workshop of Plateau Blo: Gaswerkgasse 4, Gmunden

Plateau Blo

Research station, sauna, venue for performance and exhibition
With PLATEAU BLO, a floating island structure consisting of several platforms moves across Lake Traunsee during the Capital of Culture year.
More about the project at

Globalokal – Building the New

Event info

Freizeitanlage Seebahnhof
Traunsteinstrasse 10, 4810 Gmunden