
Railway tour from Markus Moser to Hanna Burkart

Presentation of the Artist Residencies

13/09/24Bahnhof TauplitzKlachau 29, 8982 Bad Mitterndorf
© Theresa Hattinger


Artists Hanna Burkart and Markus Moser show their work

Salt Lake Cities STOPs and STATIONs invite you to visit the residency studios at Tauplitz  and Hallstatt   station with a stopover and visit to the former studios in Bad Aussee.

From 12:40 -13:52 Tauplitz railway station
14:15- 16:16 Bad Aussee railway station
from 16:31 – 18:47 Hallstatt railway station

Start at Tauplitz  station with arrival of the train at 12:40 to visit the residency of Markus Moser SEEYOU#2 arriving at Hallstatt station at 16:31 at the latest at SIMPLY LIVING Hanna Burkart 
In the meantime, the  departure from Tauplitz to Bad Aussee can be started at 13:52, where from 14:15 at Bad Aussee station the results of the past residencies of Judit Lilla Molnár Trainsition, Hans Ostapenko o.T. and Adriana Torres Topaga callsign (!) with the educational centre Salzkammergut BIS Sparta, where the departure to Hallstatt starts at 16:16  
And if you have time   you can also plan a stopover in Kainisch, where Olga Shcheblykina’s Infinitely Large, Infinitely Small and Haruko Maeda’s Kappa in Kainisch can be seen.

Salt Lake Cities

Regional vacant buildings as places of experience and meeting places for art: the Capital of Culture 2024 invites young artists from Austria and abroad to research, live and work in them and to activate them with artistic contributions.
More about the project at

Event info

Bahnhof Tauplitz
Klachau 29, 8982 Bad Mitterndorf