
Art in the time stream

Art makes time a sensual experience

26/05/24ganztagsDuration 24hGalerie Tanglberg Spitzbart VorchdorfPettenbacherstraĂźe 3-5, 4655 Vorchdorf
G. Tanglberg


From 26 May 2024, Galerie Tanglberg will be showing exciting Austrian art of international calibre. 

Hubert Scheibl (born 1952 in Gmunden), painter, sculptor, musician, researcher.
He is one of the most important Austrian representatives of abstract painting and has enjoyed international success. Nature and the cosmos are considered his most important sources of inspiration. His painting is a permanent experiment in which past, present and future are condensed into a fleeting moment captured in a painting that negates the linear continuity of time. Scheibl deals with essential questions of life that flow into his painting. Art that gives hope.
Elfie Semotan (born 1941 in Wels), photography She has lived in Vienna, Paris and New York and has close ties to the Salzkammergut. She has photographed and filmed advertising campaigns for Palmers and Römerquelle, among others, and has worked as a portrait photographer for international magazines such as Vogue, Elle, Esquire, Harper’s Bazaar and The New Yorker. 
Art and nature serve as a source of inspiration for Semotan. They can be found in many of her series, as well as in the haunting portraits of artists with which she changes the view of femininity. She has captured moments of poetry in her landscape photographs.

ZĂĽnd-up artist-architect group
The legendary artist group ZÜND-UP was founded in 1968 by Timo Huber, Bertram Mayer, W.M. Pühringer and Hermann Simböck. Alongside Haus-Rucker-Co, COOP HIMMELBLAU, Salz der Erde and Missing Link, it is one of the experimental groups of that generation of architects who explored alternative models of thought and associated visions. As representatives of visionary architecture in Austria, they were directed against encrusted social structures in order to create a new and open atmosphere.

Additional opening hours:
at any time by telephone appointment, T: +43 650 8401075


Hubert Scheibl, Elfi Semotan, ZĂĽnd-up (artists)  
Erich Spitzbart (artistic director)

Kultur im Fluss

Event info

Galerie Tanglberg Spitzbart Vorchdorf
PettenbacherstraĂźe 3-5, 4655 Vorchdorf
