Adam Benzwi

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He made his first public appearances as a pianist at the age of 12. Benzwi has lived in Berlin since 1984. Benzwi is responsible for the musical arrangement and musical direction of many theatre and opera productions. His most recent works include the musical “Chicago” directed by Barrie Kosky at the Komische Oper Berlin, the evening “Ich hab die Nacht geträumet” by Andrea Breth at the Berliner Ensemble, also Barrie Kosky’s “Dreigroschenoper” and a Brecht Lieder evening with Katharine Mehrling.


Komische Oper Berlin "EINE FRAU, DIE WEISS, WAS SIE WILL!"
Operetta in two acts (1932) by Oscar Straus

In a breathless tour de force, the consummate performers Dagmar Manzel and Max Hopp act and sing their way through 20 characters using power and slapstick. The glamour queen and operetta diva Manon Cavallini can turn the head of any man.

(Original title: Eine Frau, die weiß, was sie will!)