Fariba Mosleh

Fariba Mosleh
© karinhacklphotos
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More about the contributor

Fariba Mosleh is a cultural manager and curator with extensive experience in the art world. She holds degrees in Cultural Anthropology, Sinology, and Cultural Management from universities in Vienna, Guangzhou, and Barcelona. Her work in the arts has taken her to various cities around the world, including Vienna, New York City, Taipei, and Brussels.

She specializes in curation, production and project management of transcultural, cross-genre, collaborative, and anti-discriminatory artistic practices, with a particular focus on performative and visual arts. In addition to her institutional curatorial activities, she founded and leads studioOne – an association for art and culture projects. Fariba is also a member of juries and advisory boards in the art sector.

Currently, Fariba Mosleh is working as a curator for transdisciplinary arts, as well as project lead of Cultural Transformation Movement (Creative Europe Project) at Brunnenpassage Vienna. Her expertise lies in promoting diversity and addressing the needs of plural societies through the arts.


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