Klaus Rauber

© Klaus Rauber
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More about the contributor

Klaus Rauber, born in 1959, has been working since the 1990s on implementing the findings of Austrian naturalists and water researchers Viktor and Walter Schauberger. Klaus Rauber worked professionally as an electrical engineer in the field of servo drive technology. He was instrumental in setting up the German Association for Implosion Research and Application. Since August 1995, he has been the managing editor of the magazine “Implosion”. Since 2001, his intensive voluntary work as the first chairman of the association has been supplemented by the organization of seminars and conferences. Together with dedicated members of the association, Rauber devotes himself to the construction of prototypes based on Viktor and Walter Schauberger’s inventions. Applications include hyperbolic funnels made of copper, which help to improve water quality in bodies of water. Another topic is near-natural river engineering according to Schauberger, known among experts as “instream river training”.


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