Radenko Milak

Radenko Milak
© Vaso Milak
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More about the contributor

Radenko Milak, born 1980 in Travnik, lives in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 2017, he developed the multidisciplinary project “University of Disaster” for his solo exhibition in the Pavilion of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the 57th Venice Biennale. In 2019, Milak’s works were included in the major show “HYPER! A JOURNEY INTO ART AND MUSIC” at the Deichtorhallen Hamburg; in 2020 he had the solo exhibition “Disaster of the Unseen” at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, and in the same year the Marta Herford showed a selection of his works in the exhibition “Trügerische Bilder – Ein Spiel mit Malerei und Fotografie”. In his paintings and animated films, mostly realised in watercolour technique with black pigment, Milak analyses the role of contemporary image production in the formation of our historical and cultural memory.


art with salt & water

It was once called “white gold”: salt is a crucial element for the entire Salzkammergut region; even today it remains an important trade good, which leads some to prosperity and a few to richness.