
A day at the farm

Experiencing and learning together

09/03/24Maurer in der Edt
Ein Tag am Bauernhof


On the third farm visit in this series, we are able to experience a day on the farm of Monika and Karl Moser "Maurer in der Edt". They took over the family farm in 2007. The parental generation started with 2 dairy sheep. There are now 30 East Frisian dairy sheep, 4 dairy cows, 2 horses and ducks. The farm is run as a sideline with family and part-time labour as support.

After milking, which takes place twice a day, the raw milk is immediately processed by Monika into the fresh cheese specialities. The handmade cow's and sheep's milk products are available in the farm shop, Käsekastl, in some nearby grocery shops and in selected FoodCoops. An early connection to agriculture is very important to Monika and Karl. That's why they offer "School on the Farm" on their farm to familiarise children with the importance of farms.

How do you look after the welfare of animals and humans? Can you tell the difference in flavour between fresh cow’s and sheep’s milk? What does sheep’s wool actually feel like? We will find answers to these and many other questions on 9 March.

Programme: 10 am – 4 pm

  • Arrival and introductions, first information about the farm
  • Stable tour and milking in the milking parlour
  • Tasting the fresh milk
  • Processing the milk together followed by a lunch snack with home-made food     
  • Depending on the weather -> first time the sheep are put out to pasture, marking out the pasture fence, shearing the sheep
  • Making your own sheep’s wool cosy
  • Farewell

Max. Number of participants: 15 people – children are very welcome
Participation only after registration by email to:
Bring weatherproof (work) clothing and shoes!
A photographer will be on site to document the day. By taking part, you automatically agree to being included in the photos.

How to get there:

Address of the farm “MoniKas”: Edt 19, 4817 St. Konrad
Public transport: Bus 533 to St. Konrad B12/Abzw. Ort (coming from Scharnstein) or St. Konrad Kranichsteg (coming from Gmunden) + 20 minutes on foot to the farm

Event info

Maurer in der Edt