
European miners’ and smelters’ day

Europe celebrates its miners' traditions with thousands of participants in Bad Ischl

24/05/24 - 26/05/24Kurpark Bad Ischl
Europäischer Knappen- und Hüttentag
© Salinenmusikkapelle Bad Ischl


In 2024, the European Miners' and Smelters' Day will take place in Bad Ischl from May 24 to 26, with 2000 to 3000 participants expected from all over Europe. Miners' associations mainly from mining regions in Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and France will be on site to celebrate their miners' traditions together.

Detailed programme:

The Salzkammergut region and its miners: this is a connection that has existed from time immemorial and, with the term “Hallstatt period”, marks an entire era. This tradition will be preserved and celebrated with the European Miner & Alpine Shelter Day in Bad Ischl. 2,000 to 3,000 participants from all over Europe are expected: miner’s associations, especially from the mining regions in Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and France will be there and celebrate together. A diverse schedule of ancillary programming and a parade by the mining associations on Sunday through Bad Ischl provide an invitation to join the celebrations.

More about the project at

Macht und Tradition

Event info

Kurpark Bad Ischl
