
Forum Thinking the Future: Open Diskussion

22/11/24Stallungen der KaiservillaJainzen 38, 4820 Bad Ischl
Forum Zukunft Denken
© Ulrich


Back to the Future: Empires as Shapers of World Order

What can I do to shape the future of the world? 20 young adults from throughout Austria and abroad will discuss global questions about the future with international experts, led in terms of content by Professor Herfried Münkler (expert for political theory, Humboldt University of Berlin) and present their jointly written manifesto to the public. The starting point of the discussion will be the Renaissance of empire after their purported disappearance. What does this mean for the present and how can future perspectives and strategies be developed from this?


tba (participants, speakers)
Herfried Münkler (responsible for the project)
Benedikt Weingartner, EuropaDIALOG (Partner)

Jana Lüthje (dramaturgy)

Globalokal – Building the New

Event info

Stallungen der Kaiservilla
Jainzen 38, 4820 Bad Ischl