

Workshop with Christian Humer / Südwind Upper Austria

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Workshop Wasser-Welten
© Südwind


Water is the basis of all life. In the "Water Worlds" workshop as part of the Open Water Dialogues, this is made tangible in an interactive way.

For young people aged between 11 and 15 

The participating young people deal with the following questions, among others:

  • Water happiness: what access to clean drinking water do children and young people around the world have? How is water distributed globally?
  • Virtual water: Where is water everywhere? What actually is green, blue and grey water? How much water do we use every day?
  • Developing alternatives: How can we be more careful with water? How can the right to clean drinking water be realised for all people?
Globalokal – Building the New

Event info

Trinkhalle Bad Ischl