
What is normal?

Workshop on gender and sexual diversity

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IDAHOBIT – International Day against Homo-, Bi-, Inter- and Transphobia
© Salzkammerqueer


Workshop on gender and sexual diversity

LTGI-what? Based on the queer alphabet salad, this interactive workshop is all about gender and sexual diversity. We look forward to welcoming lots of curious people who want to learn more and think about (queer) life together. No previous knowledge is necessary!

What you can look forward to:

  • In-depth information on key terms and concepts
  • Plenty of space to ask questions
  • Ample opportunity to talk to each other about queer life in all its facets

Maximum number of participants: 20 people

Workshop leader: Birgit Hofstätter (management of Frauen*forum Salzkammergut & content-related project management of the Capital of Culture project Salzkammerqueer) and Tamara Geyer (active in anti-discrimination work and regional development & content-related collaboration on the Salzkammerqueer project)

And afterwards (from 20:30): LET’S PARTYYYY!


In order to facilitate the exchange of experiences among like-minded people and seekers in rural areas, the women’s contact points are contributing to the establishment of a queer community in the Salzkammergut with this project. The aim is to initially provide a home base and infrastructure for an active community that will exist beyond the duration of the project. The second goal is an experimental short film series and artistic photo positions that communicate queer life in the Salzkammergut via social media.
More about the project at

Kultur im Fluss

Event info
