Hansjörg Schenner

© Hansjörg Schenner
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More about the contributor

Environmental engineer, for more than two decades head of the Reinerhaltungsverband (RHV) Hallstättersee as Managing Director. The RHV is the municipal wastewater disposal provider for the UNESCO World Heritage region of Hallstatt-Dachstein/Salzkammergut. This is a challenging task, especially in this part of Austria with its tendency towards overtourism. In Anzenau, at the northern end of Bad Goisern, the wastewater from the four municipalities of Gosau, Obertraun, Hallstatt and Bad Goisern is treated in the RHV wastewater treatment plant. This process produces around 400 – 800 m³ of biogas every day, which drives two microturbines. The electricity generated is used together with photovoltaics to supply the plant with its own energy. This means that the plant would continue to run in the event of a general blackout, among other things.

RHV Hallstättersee is a pioneer in the field of sustainability and has already received many regional and national awards (Energy Globe, NEPTUN, etc.). After graduating from the HTBLA for Chemical Engineering in Wels, Hansjörg Schenner completed many other courses, including training as a municipal climate protection officer and in urban water management.

In addition to many other commitments in the municipality of Bad Goisern, Schenner is co-manager of “KLAR! Inneres Salzkammergut”. According to their own definition, KLAR! regions face up to the consequences of climate change. Among other things, the focus is on topics such as climate-friendly forests and securing drinking water supplies.


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