Three Traunseetram stations Klosterplatz, Engelhof train station and Karl z’Neuhub will be declared artistic fields for experimentation and designed by art students under the guidance of the artists Hans Schabus, Anna Jermolaewa, Eva Engelbert, Hannes Zebedin and Gelitin. An additional seven stations will be animated using art objects from the youth project For The World That I Want To Live In. The art installation Zaungäste, or Fence Guests will bring together Energie AG and Stern & Hafferl in the street car shed in Gmunden – both companies are united by a long shared history. Klosterplatz station: How Much Weight Can a Boat Carry? / Can a Boat Carry Its Own Weight? deals with mobility and transportation in consideration of lifestyle, ways of living and the future. Engelhof train station and Karl z’Neuhub.
Klosterplatz stop: Sculpture and Space University of Applied Arts Vienna “How Much Weight Can a Boat Carry? / Can a Boat Carry Its Own Weight?”, Olga Mathilde Gärtner, Luīze Nežberte, Magdalena Stückler, Janina Weißengruber / Prof. Schabus, from January 2024.
Engelhof stop: Linz University of Art, Institute of Fine Arts (Department of Experimental Design), Head: Prof. Anna Jermolaewa, supervised by Hannes Zebedin, from June 2024.
Karl z’Neuhub stop: Linz University of Art, Institute of Fine Arts (Department of Sculpture – Transmedia Space), Head: Prof. Ali Janka, Prof. Tobias Urban (Geletin), from June 2024