Poetry vending machines Ausseerland

Poems to take home

What we can pull in is what we should pull out. In the Ausseerland communities of Grundlsee, Bad Aussee and Bad Mitterndorf, the Ausseerland poetry vending machines are coming in May. An art project with Matthias Göritz, who also offers free workshops.

(Original title: Poesieautomaten Ausseerland)

Poesieautomaten Ausseerland
© Salzkammergut 2024

Matthias Göritz (Curator)
Franz Steinegger, Daniela Vergud (project responsibility)
Daniela Jeide (project initiator)
Woferlstall Bad Mitterndorf (project promoter)

Lisa Neuhuber (Head of Programme remembrance culture)

10 May to 30 November 2024

About the project

Since May 2024, old condom and chewing gum vending machines in the Ausseerland communities of Grunlsee, Bad Mitterndorf and Bad Aussee have been converted into poetry dispensers. For 50 cents each, 14 different poems can be drawn. The “Love from Austria” vending machine in Bad Aussee surprises visitors with poems written by renowned authors for Austria’s guest country appearance at the Leipzig Book Fair. A historic condom vending machine in Bad Mitterndorf holds particularly “mountainous” poems written especially for this project by 14 internationally renowned poets, including Mary Jo Bang (USA), Kinga Toth (Hungary), Mario Bojorquez (Mexico) and Efe Duyan (Turkey). A chewing gum machine in Grundlsee spits out “fresh poems”. It is filled with lyrical works that were created by people from the region as part of participatory workshops with Matthias Göritz in spring.

  • Poetry vending machine location Bad Aussee: Kurpark, near the Mercedes Stern Bridge
  • Poetry vending machine location Bad Mitterndorf: Woferlstall
  • Poetry vending machine location Grundlsee: Bus stop Grundlsee Ort

Call for entries: Ausseerland Poetry Prize

for poets and those who want to become poets (no age limit, until 06/11/24)

The Ausseerland Poetry Prize will be donated from the proceeds of the poetry vending machines. From now until 6 November, a maximum of three poems per person can be submitted to poesiepreis@salzkammergut-2024.at. The jury – Matthias Göritz, Volha Hapeyeva, Andreas Unterweger and Barbara Frischmuth – will select a winner. The award ceremony will take place as part of the closing ceremony of the European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl Salzkammergut 2024 on 30/11/24 in Laakirchen. Until then, everyone is cordially invited to draw 50c poems each from the three poetry vending machines in Grundlsee, Bad Mitterndorf and Bad Aussee and thus contribute to the prize money.