
Holy Hydra – Next Generation You

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Holy Hydra
© Fabian Erblehner


The festival laboratory for the region's club event

We are celebrating a new edition of HOLY HYDRA in the sacred halls of the Gmunden Ort branch church. Driven by our enthusiasm for unusual locations and our love of music, we are transforming another sacred space with a blend of spherical sounds and pulsating beats. Sacred space meets urban space, city meets country, culture meets capital and, as always, bumbum meets level.


_ Hak Gmunden DJ-Team – Warm Up // DJ

Lee Jung In Creation // dance performance BRUCKNER BEATS
(Dance: Lilli Jungin Lee, Seo Jin Moon, Yeram Kand, Seung Ju Lee; Music: Audiomojo, Lynn Mayya, Reinhard Reisenzahn – Co-op. Transitheart Productions with *OÖ KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024)

_ tanka meja – Cie.tauschfühlung // dance performance
(Bianca Anne Braunesberger, Stefan Zotter, Vito Bintchende, Sebastian Achleitner)

_ OSKAR HAAG // concert

_ E : K : V // Music
(Clemens Riedl – organ, Stefan Weissenberger – trumpet & electronics, Björn Büchner – electronics; Coop. Transitheart Productions with OÖ KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024)

_ Moska (Service/Whammy/Ghetto Trunk) // DJ

_ LynnMayya (Techno) // DJ

_ 4youreye ProjectionArt // Visuals

Extra: Shuttle bus (Attention: limited seats)
Linz > Gmunden € 13,-
Gmunden > Linz € 13,-

As an interdisciplinary event in a sacred space (church, cathedral, chapel, synagogue, mosque), Holy Hydra aims to bring the discourse between club culture, religions and society to a broader level. The site- and space-specific format includes contemporary dance and performances, electronic music and new media art.

The Holy Hydra festival laboratory is involved in the projects KirchKlangRaum and New Salt Festival and is part of the youth programme Next Generation You. Through active involvement in the processes, it enables young people to immerse themselves in the spheres of event practice at an early age.
More about the project at

Kultur im Fluss

Event info

Pfarre Gmunden - Filialkirche Ort
Miller v. Aichholzstr. 25, 4810 Gmunden
Behinderung: 15€, Pupils € 10, under 25 / asylum seekers € 15,