
Opening: Bioregional Assembly Salzkammergut


06/07/24Kunstquartier StadtgartenJohann Tagwerker-Straße 12, 4810 Gmunden
credit Gew%c3%a4chshaus  Kunstquartier Gmunden Photo Jakob Travnik
© Jakob Travnik


Bioregional Assembly_Salzkammergut develops a network of material, human and infrastructural resources in the Salzkammergut region and shows how these can be assembled in a way that could strengthen local ecological, economic and social systems in the future. The Salzkammergut region will be used as a case study and a 'test kitchen' for the implementation of bioregional design practices. An overview of all participating projects will be presented at the opening on 6.7.

Focus exhibition:
The Colombian designer and materials researcher Henna Burney from Atelier LUMA, a program of LUMA Arles, worked together with Salinen Austria AG and investigated salt mining in Altaussee as well as salt processing and production processes at the production facility in Ebensee. In close cooperation with internal experts of the company, a series of material experiments were carried out, such as salt crystallization, integration of salt in ceramic production and salt compression. The aim of the project is to develop prototype products and processes that can demonstrate new systemic applications of salt in the Salzkammergut region. The results will be exhibited and presented at the ‘Opening Event’ on July 6th.


11:30 – 11:45 
by Elisabeth Schweeger, Artistic Director of the European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl – Salzkammergut 2024
& by Andreas Hecht, Head of Cultural Affairs, City of Gmunden
11:45 – 12:15  
Exhibition Opening 
Bioregional Assembly_Salzkammergut + Spotlight Exhibition
by Jakob Travnik, Project Manager / Curator of 
Bioregional Assembly_Salzkammergut
& by designer Henna Burney, Atelier LUMA, a program of 
LUMA Arles
From 12:00 pm
Presentations: Industry Projects

Salinen Austria AG x Henna Burney
by Ariane Herzog, COO Salinen Austria AG
& by designer Henna Burney, Atelier LUMA, a program of 
LUMA Arles
Laufen Austria AG x mischer’traxler studio
by Christian Schäfer, CEO Laufen Austria AG
& by designers Katharina Mischer, Thomas Traxler, mischer’traxler studio
Grüne Erde GmbH x Carolin Schelkle
by Christian Schön, Head of Product Management Sleeping
& by designer Carolin Schelkle

From 13:15 

Bioregional Assembly – Buffet
by Luisa Zwetkow
From 14:00 
Presentation University Projects

by Simone Barlian, Head of Visual Arts, European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl – Salzkammergut 2024
BML Endowed Professorship for Timber Construction and Design in Urban Space, Institute of Architecture and Design, TU Vienna
by architects and mentors Prof. Juri Troy, Andreas Arndt, Jakobus Schwarz
Research Unit Building Theory and Design, Institute of Architecture and Design, TU Vienna + BASEhabitat, die architektur, University of Art and Design Linz
by architects and mentors Elisabetta Schmidtlein, Marion Kohler & Florian Fend
Social Design – Arts as Urban Innovation, University of Applied Arts Vienna
by designer and mentor Martin Färber

From 15:15 
by Aljaž Arih, Director of SKICA – Slovenian Cultural Information Center in Austria
‘Table of Curiosities’ performance lecture
by Krater Collective; Andrej Koruza Gaja Mežnarić Osole, Danica Sretenović
‘Feral Practices’ movie screening
by Krater Collective; Andrej Koruza Gaja Mežnarić Osole, Danica Sretenović
From 17:00 

Event info

Kunstquartier Stadtgarten
Johann Tagwerker-Straße 12, 4810 Gmunden