
Premiere: Remote Bad Ischl

an unusual city tour

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Remote Bad Ischl
© Rimini Protokoll


Who do we follow when we are guided by a computer program? You can find out during a group walk through Bad Ischl.

In Bad Ischl, a group of up to 50 people, equipped with headphones, set off for the city. They are guided by an artificial voice, as known from navigation systems. The encounter with artificial intelligence tempts the group to try things out for themselves. How can we make decisions together? Who do we follow when we are guided by a computer program? – 30 People observe each other, make individual decisions and yet are always part of a group. While artificial intelligence observes human behavior from a distance, the voice becomes more familiar with each step. Along the way, artificial head recordings and cinematic compositions soundtrack the urban landscape. The journey through the city feels more and more like a collective film. The project moves from city to city as a mobile research laboratory. In doing so, each new site-specific version builds on the dramaturgy of the pre-city, thus writing the piece further and further. – The piece deals with traditional places and incidents in Bad Ischl.


Suitable for children aged 8 and over.
The audio walk takes about 90 minutes on foot through Bad Ischl, is not barrier-free and takes place in all weathers.
Start: 5 pm, but please be at the cemetery at 4.45 pm (to hand out the equipment)!
A valid photo ID is required for the technical equipment.

On four dates English tours are offered, tickets available separately:
Thu 4 July, Fri 12 July, Fri 19 July, Fri 26 July  

More about the project at

Sharing Salzkammergut – Die Kunst des Reisens

Event info

Ischler Friedhof
Grazerstraße , 4820 Bad Ischl