
Paths of Resistance: Route 2 – On the road on the escape route by Sepp Plieseis

28/09/24Saturday, 09:00 - 17:00Postalm WanderhochplateauSchoberweg 6, 5350 Strobl
Free entryfully booked
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Wege des Widerstands
© Archiv Peter Kammerstätter,1946


Travelling along Sepp Plieseis' escape route. Together with Karl Gitzoller, Sepp Plieseis escaped from the concentration camp near Adnet via the entire Osternhorn group to Bad Ischl before setting up a shelter in the Totes Gebirge. The Pitschenberg lies at the centre of the escape route. This easy to moderately difficult hike takes you from the Postalm to the Pitschenberg and back again. 

Approx. 15 km, ascent and descent 460 m, walking time without breaks approx. 4.5 hours. Sufficient conditions, sturdy footwear and suitable clothing are required. This hike only takes place in good weather. Bad weather dates: 4.10.2024 and 5.10.2024. 

Landscapes like the Salzkammergut are not only living and natural spaces, they have a political history. In addition to active support for National Socialism, the tradition of resistance against the “authorities” was particularly expressed in the case of Hitler’s fascism. Areas of the alpine pastures and high mountains inaccessible to outsiders served as retreats and hiding places for those persecuted for political and religious reasons. Familiarity with the barrenness of the surroundings, with the harsh climatic conditions, but also the cohesion of the inhabitants in local collectives enabled the persecuted to survive. The objective of the walks in the Salzkammergut landscape is to anchor the memory of the women and men in the resistance in the collective memory.

More about the project at

Macht und Tradition

Event info

Postalm Wanderhochplateau
Schoberweg 6, 5350 Strobl