THE SUNG HORIZON resounds in the landscape and at the same time reads it as a notation. The horizon line becomes a sounding line that is “sung” together. The voices slowly follow the crests rising up and down, cross the peaks, jump over edges or remain stable on horizontal mountain ridges.
The meadow in the north of Offensee was chosen as a performance location from which a 360° panorama, unobstructed except for a few trees, can be seen. The tones for high but distant mountains will sound lower than the tones of nearby, much lower mountains “for reasons of perspective”.
Details at
A four-part sound-land-art project with choirs, music bands, Prangerschütz*innen and bells from the Salzkammergut region.
More about the project at
Georg Nussbaumer (artist/composer)
Singers and choirmasters of the Upper Austrian Choral Association
Alexander Koller (overall direction)
Norbert Schweizer (project support, organisation)
ARGE Hallschallzeit (project responsibility)
Upper Austrian Choral Association (project partner)
Christian Haselmayr (Head of Programme Music, Youth, Community Building)