
Volxfest: Eindrahn


25/05/24Kaiser Franz Josef-Platz
© Franzi Kreis


The VOLXFEST invites you to experience your own connection to local, national and global roots.

Folk festivals to join in, dance along, play along, sing along, listen, parades, musical tram ride, performance, dance demonstrations, open dancing and singing…

09.45h | Start of the musical Traunseetram from Gmunden station to Franz Josef-Platz
10.08h-10.30h | Parade from Franz Josef-Platz to Schubertplatz
10.30h | Opening at Schubertplatz
followed by open dancing, singing, demonstrations from the fields of dance, performance and music as well as interactive stations with D’Attergauer Volkstanzgruppe and Lederhosengirls, D’Vöcklataler, Heimat- und Trachtenverein Alt-Gmunden, Viechtauermusikanten, Heimatverein Viechtau, Hip Hop Community Skgt, Oberösterreichisches Volksliedwerk, Salzkammergut Geigenmusi, Salzkammerqueer, Volxfestler*innen, Volxfestorchester
11.04h & 11.49h | Second and third ride of the musical Traunseetram from Engelhof station to the district administration and back, boarding possible at all stations along the route with the Viechtauermusikanten
12.00h | Open singing of the Oberösterreichisches Volksliedwerk with Gernot Gföllner
12.34h | Fourth ride of the musical Traunseetram (route as above)
13.19h | fifth ride of the musical Traunseetram with the Salzkammergut Geigenmusi 
13.57h | final ride of the musical Traunseetram from Seebahnhof via Rathausplatz and Franz Josef-Platz to Gmunden railway station and the connections towards Attnang-Puchheim and Bad Ischl

The event starts at Franz-Josefsplatz with a performance. The main part will be at the nearby Schubertplatz. In case of bad weather, the event will take place in the Gmunden Municipal Theatre.


Festivals, pop ups, exhibitions, dialogues, regulars’ tables, performance, workshops: A three-part festival that creates a mosaic of multiple affiliations through music, dance, costume, custom. Through the art and power of “celebration”, the Volxfest wants to open up an open culture of togetherness.
More about the project at

Event info

Kaiser Franz Josef-Platz