City of Ceramics

Ceramics Between Time and Space

With its wide range of offerings, Gmunden will become a center for already established and future ceramics experts as well as for ceramics enthusiasts and observers from Austria and abroad.

Subject to change
City of Ceramics
© David Pichler

Verein zur Förderung europäischer Keramikkünstler*innen
Projektpartner – Leonie Mir (Curator of the Exhibition)

Simone Barlian (Head of Programme Visual Arts)
Teresa Kranawetter (Assistance)

With the kind support of EU-Japan Fest Japan Committee

2023 - 2024

About the project

Under the title Ceramics Between Time and Space, Gmunden will continue to live up to its reputation as a ceramics city in a contemporary way. Here, projects come together that are situated between art and craftsmanship, theory and practice, inspiration and innovation. This results in a sustainable Austrian competence center for ceramics that creates international relevance – from the Salzkammergut region!

With its broad range of offerings, Gmunden will become a center for already established and future ceramic experts as well as for ceramics enthusiasts and observers from throughout Austria and abroad. With all of the planned initiatives, the goal is to awaken interest and incorporate both the inhabitants of the Salzkammergut region as well as artists and guests from around the world. This represents a commitment to focus on ceramics in an historical as well as contemporary context.

Local Heroes
Here 6 interdisciplinary ceramic projects are defined, which will be shown in public space in 2024.

Application UNESCO Creative Cities Network
Gmunden, as one of the most important European centers for ceramic handicraft – already awarded as intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO – as well as for internationally acclaimed ceramic art, looks back on a historically impressive past. The significance of ceramics for the city is also essential in the present, revived again and again by diverse impulses and endeavors.

As part of the efforts to give this art, which characterizes Gmunden in such a special way, additional radiance beyond the borders and thus to mark and present the city with its historical and at the same time forward-looking ceramic heritage in a sustainable way, Gmunden is applying for inclusion in 2023 in the “UNESCO Creative Cities”.

International Academy of Ceramics
Another milestone will be the admission to the International Academy of Ceramics. The application process for this is currently underway.

The positive effects of such memberships in a global context certainly represent an epoch-making milestone for the design and development of the city of Gmunden in every respect.