
Book presentation: Goisern. A narrated local history

Talk and reading

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Goisern. Eine erzählte Ortsgeschichte
© Kremayr & Scheriau


Historian Marion Wisinger tells the story of Bad Goisern from the turn of the century to the reconstruction. How did the population experience the years 1900 to 1950? A collage of the Salzkammergut idyll has emerged from the many voices in the town, an attempt at remembrance. The author in conversation. 
Moderation: Herbert Kefer
Musical accompaniment: Goiserer Geigenmus

Marion Wisinger: Goisern. Eine erzählte Ortsgeschichte
Kremayr & Scheriau, Wien 2024.
ISBN 978-3-218-01426-7

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HAND.WERK.HAUS Salzkammergut

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