
Harbours and railway stations, they are my passion

On the water with Stefan Zweig and Tobias Moretti

22/05/24Musikpavillon Grundlsee
Tobias Moretti
© Christian Hartmann


The artist, reciter and actor Tobias Moretti meets the traveller Stefan Zweig. Texts by the great Jewish poet and committed pacifist will be heard on a boat trip across Lake Grundlsee. At landing stages and harbours, we will follow the stations of Zweig's numerous, not always voluntary, journeys. These journeys ultimately led him into exile in Brazil, where he committed suicide in 1942.

Zweig had a great love for his native Austria, especially the Salzkammergut. But not uncritically. The beauty, the idyll, the peace of the landscape enriched, edified and also disturbed him. Writings from times long past are brought to life on our journey together.

Journey from the World of Yesterday to the World of Today

In cooperation with the Stefan Zweig Center in Salzburg and the Austrian Society for Literature, the European Capital of Culture Region is offering high-quality readings of his critical writings and speeches on the topic.
More about the project at

Event info

Musikpavillon Grundlsee
Kulturcard 2024, pupils/students/apprentices/civil and military service, people with disabilities, accompanying persons, Raiffeisenbank customers,