
Hypochonder’s moon song

An experiment on Nikolaus Lenau

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Hypochonders Mondlied
© gamp grafikhouse


The theatre and film ensemble TATORT THEATER of the BRG Schloss Traunsee was invited to perform the successful production HYPOCHONDERS MONDLIED again as part of the Capital of Culture.

Nikolaus Lenau. A school in Gmunden, a staircase at the foot of the Traunstein and a square on the Traun promenade are named after him. Obviously he was once important for this town, otherwise he would probably not have received this honour. If you ask around in Gmunden about this world-famous poet, there is usually little, if any, knowledge available. So 12 years ago, the theatre and film ensemble set out in search of clues, followed his biography, read his poems and set off for Tuscany to film his only theatre fragment “Don Juan”. Biography, poems and film were then woven into a full-length play and performed with great success on two evenings at the Gmundner Stadttheater and a year later at the international youth theatre festival in Kremsmünster. So what could be more obvious than trying to bring this poet closer to an interested audience once again as part of the European Capital of Culture 2024? Marvellous young actors will trace a memorable poet’s life from first love to mental derangement. In between, you will find everything that drove this life forward: the struggle for artistic expression, hope and despair, political persecution and an ever-present dark cloud of melancholy.

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BRG/BORG Schloss Traunsee


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