
JägerIN – exhibition & sound installation

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Orell und Reiter
© Kultur- und Heimatverein Scharnstein


Karin Orell | Josef Reiter

Karin Orell’s great-grandmother’s father was a hunter for the Duke of Cumberland in Grünau im Almtal. Her husband comes from Scharnstein and so everything came full circle for her. Memories came back, of the forest that was always her refuge and much more. And so she sets out to search for clues into the piece, into her memories, with a pen and camera.

Josef Reiter – On the hunt He goes hunting with the microphone in his hand. The field recordings become sound material – overheard, edited, dissected…, then recomposed into an audio piece – heard via headphones.

Josef Reiter – Almtalsounding/sound installation Acoustic explorations in the Almtal sound space provide material for this soundscape composition.

Fabian Faltin (Rederei Scharnstein) will give a speech at the opening on the need of the hour.

Vernissage of the exhibition on June 28th, 2024 from 3:00 p.m
Duration of the exhibition: June 29th, 2024 to September 6th, 2024, Sat, Sun and public holidays from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. as well as for groups of 5 people or more by calling in advance at 0676/55 34 338

These considerations are made visible in an interior design using the exhibition objects. (This is not a sales exhibition.)

Event info

Sensenmuseum Geyerhammer
Grubbachstraße 10, 4644 Scharnstein


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