
Opening: Textile visions in the Salzkammergut

Findings from art and craft

09/11/24Saturday, 11:00 - 13:00Museum.Ebensee - Begegnung Kultur & GeschichteKirchengasse 6, 4802 Ebensee
Free entry
Atelier Alte Weberei
© Jacqueline Korber - WirLiebe


Findings from art and craft

“Pulling a Thread” follows on from a research project on the history of women in the Ebensee weaving and spinning mill. The project was carried out by the Salzkammergut Women’s Forum together with the University of Salzburg in 2017-2018. An important finding of this Leader project was to learn and experience in interviews and storytelling cafés that the weaving mill as a textile company has strongly characterised the social and cultural life of the village.

As part of our project, artists and craftspeople are invited to engage with the history of textiles and explore three traditional textile raw materials from the Salzkammergut region: flax, sheep’s wool and old textiles. The collected findings from art and craft will be presented in the exhibition Textile Visions in the Salzkammergut at a final exhibition.

Drawing a Thread

The former weaving and spinning mill Ebensee is the hub of the project, which addresses the history of the working world of women, role attributions, social achievements and controversies.
More about the project at

Macht und Tradition, Kultur im Fluss

Event info

Museum.Ebensee - Begegnung Kultur & Geschichte
Kirchengasse 6, 4802 Ebensee