
Reading and slide presentation: A life for art

A poet from Obertraun

06/08/24Gemeindeamt ObertraunObertraun 180, 4831 Obertraun
Ein Dichter aus Obertraun
© Judith Zillich


On Tuesday, 6 August at 19:00, Judith Zillich will talk about her collaboration with Hansjörg Zauner in a lecture (reading and projection of images).

The show is dedicated to the Obertraun writer and visual artist Hansjörg Zauner (*1959; † 2017), who was the model for Judith Zillich’s painting for ten years (Judith Zillich, visual artist, *1969, lives and works in Vienna: The exhibition can be visited from 2. 7. to 5. 9. 2024 Mon, Tue, Thu from 07.00 – 17.00, Wed 07:00 -16:00, Fri from 07.00 – 13:00 and Sat, Sun from 16.00 – 18.00 at the Obertraun municipal office.
In the course of their collaboration, Judith Zillich has painted 100 large-format pictures in oil on canvas. This is probably a unique project worldwide. Zauner died shortly after the end of their sometimes difficult collaboration. He was an artist who consistently dedicated his life to art and, in a way, also died as a result.
Judith Zillich’s pictures make his personality visible in a touching way. Her works from the “pink overall” group of works can be seen on the premises of the Obertraun municipal office; these pictures show Zauner in his favorite piece of clothing. 
In addition, works from Zauner’s visual oeuvre as well as his short films, in which he interprets his poems in an experimental self-portrayal, will be shown. Some of these films have never been shown to the public before.

Hansjörg Zauner lived in Vienna and Obertraun. He devoted himself to experimental poetry and prose, visual works and short films. He was editor of the magazine for new poetry SOLANDE and the anthology “Gedichte nach 1984 – Lyrik aus Österreich” (with Gerald Jatzek) and winner of the Theodor Körner Prize for artistic photography. In the 1980s he experimented with self-portraits. 22 books published by Droschl, Czernin and Ritter, among others.

More about the project at

Kultur im Fluss

Event info

Gemeindeamt Obertraun
Obertraun 180, 4831 Obertraun