
Sites of Transformation

26/10/24Saturday, ganztagsfurther appointments Rangjung Yeshe Gomde - Buddhistisches ZentrumBäckerberg 18, 4644 Scharnstein
Free entry
Gomde - Orte des Wandels
© Ira und Christoph Hilger


The Places of Change are designed as a tour around the Gomde Buddhist Centre.
The objects can be viewed independently. Each of the objects has a description with a QR code, under which guided meditations and explanations of the object can be called up. 
We are happy to receive a call before the visit to be available for any questions: 06602312032 – or WhatsApp message. 

A guided tour through the installations is worthwhile! 
If you would like to take more time and get to know both the Places of Change and the Gomde Buddhist Centre, you are welcome to book a guided tour in advance. The time can be arranged individually.
We ask you to call or send a WhatsApp message to:
A tour through the objects can also end with a meal in Gomde.
We ask for a donation for this offer. Thank you very much!

Gomde – Places of Change

Architecture students are designing and realising pavilions in Scharnstein on the site of the Centre for Buddhist Studies that invite you to find peace.
More about the project at

Globalokal – Building the New

Event info

Rangjung Yeshe Gomde - Buddhistisches Zentrum
Bäckerberg 18, 4644 Scharnstein
