
Stanzer Weg: How intelligent community development works

28/06/24Woferlstall Bad MitterndorfKurpark 1, 8983 Bad Mitterndorf
Im Woferlstall
© E.I.K.E Forum


The "Future Stage Hinterberg", coordinated and supervised by Günther Marchner, with the support of Karin Hochegger and Kerstin Böck, focuses on "New perspectives for rural regions beyond the mainstream". It goes in search of traces of future potentials and innovative approaches in the region - with a view to general as well as European developments: With a public dialogue series, a summer school for students in cooperation with the University of Salzburg as well as a visit rally and an excursion to future-oriented projects.

The public dialogue series “Beyond the Mainstream:
New perspectives for rural regions” makes selected topics the subject of “key notes” by proven experts and dialogs with local representatives and the public: “How can small farms survive with new concepts?” will be the focus of a lecture with Wolfgang Suske (initiator of “Farming for Nature”) and a subsequent discussion on November 2023.What is hidden behind “resonance tourism” will be the subject of debate by Pamela Binder, managing director of Ausseerland-Salzkammergut-Tourismus GmbH, and tourism expert Reinhard Lanner on February 23, 2024. The “Stanzer Weg: Wie geht intelligente Gemeindeentwicklung?” is the focus of an impulse by Fritz Pichler, the mayor of the Upper Styrian municipality of Stanz at the dialog on June 28, 2024. Eberhard Schrempf, managing director of Creative Industries Styria will shed light on “Neue Erwerbspotenziale im ländlichen Regionen – im Besonderen im Bereich der Kreativwirtschaft” on October 11, 2024. At all events, local experts on the podium and the audience will enter into dialog with the speakers.

Event info

Woferlstall Bad Mitterndorf
Kurpark 1, 8983 Bad Mitterndorf
Pupils, students, apprentices & senior citizens 5€,