
The Upper Austrian Jazz Orchestra presents “SaltChamberMusic for Jazzorchestra”


26/04/24Festsaal Bad Goisern


The “UPPER AUSTRIAN JAZZ ORCHESTRA” presents “SaltChamberMusic” for “Jazzorchestra” in its artistic exploration, the composition collective of the "Upper Austrian Jazz Orchestra" questions the relationship between tradition and current phenomena of music.

For the program of the “Capital of Culture 2024 Salzkammergut”, the tension field “power of tradition/power of counterculture” is felt. Elements of traditional music as well as established playing techniques are starting points for the composition process – at UAJO, all instrumentalists are also composers with a very individual approach, resulting in an infinite wealth of conceivable possibilities in the creation of new music. Vocalist Ali Gaggl and Upper Austrian violinist and composer Johannes Dickbauer will expand the sound of the jazz orchestra and build a bridge to the sound aesthetics of other genres.

Upper Austrian Jazz Orchestra – Upper Austria’s institution in orchestral jazz
In the 30th year of its existence and after 13 CD recordings with various programs, the UAJO has developed into an institution in the field of creative jazz music, not only in Upper Austria. A special feature in the design of new programs is the concept of presenting the musicians of the orchestra as composers and arrangers. This results in programs that on the one hand benefit from the diversity of musical approaches of several composers/arrangers, but on the other hand are characterized by the shared experience of more than 30 years of continuity. In addition to its artistic activities, the UAJO also performs educational tasks by supporting the “OÖ. YouthJazzOrchester” and organizes annual big band workshops in Bad Goisern.

voice: Ali Gaggl
violin: Johannes Dickbauer
trumpet section: Andreas Pranzl; Simon Plötzeneder; Simon Hartl; Manfred Weinberger;
saxophone section: Andreas See; Robert Müllner; Christian Maurer; Andreas Lachberger; Jürgen Haider
trombone section: Dominik Stöger; Robert Bachner; Peter Nickel; Hermann Mayr
rhythm section: Helmar Hill: piano; Primus Sitter: guitar; Christian Wendt: bass; Ewald Zach: drums

(ORF / Ö1 recording)

Responsible for the project: Jazzfreunde Bad Ischl
Cooperation partners: Jazzfreunde Bad Ischl, SeeTonWellen Festival Altmünster, Anna Lang, JIM – Anton Bruckner Private University, regional musicians, municipality of Bad Ischl, municipality of Bad Goisern, municipality of Altmünster, Landesmusikschule Bad Goisern, Radio Jazz Research, Ö1
Project management Salzkammergut 2024: Christian Haselmayr

Kultur im Fluss

Event info

Festsaal Bad Goisern