
3rd World Salon: “World religions in the mirror of migration”

30/04/24Landesmusikschule Gmunden
© Ben Goode


With: Charlotte Hermann, President of the Jewish Community Linz, Gerold Lehner, Superintendent of the Diocese of Upper Austria, Binur Mustafi, Chairman of the Islamic Religious Community of Upper Austria, Manfred Scheuer, Diocesan Bishop of Linz.

Moderation: Renata Schmidtkunz, head of the programme series "Im Gespräch" (Ö1)
Rotary Club Gmunden Punkt (project organiser)

The Salzkammergut has a long history of migration and immigration - of expulsion and dispossession, but also of the immigration of people who have found work and prosperity here. What role do the religious communities play in this historical and contemporary potpourri? How do they interact with each other? How can they help to heal the wounds of the past? And what better things could their combined forces lead to in the Salzkammergut?

The interview conducted by Renata Schmidtkunz will be broadcast on 24/5/2024 in the programme series "Im Gespräch".

World Salon

The World Salon takes up the idea of the historical salon concept as a social meeting place between the public and private spheres, as a place of exchange on topics such as politics, culture and economics. Representatives of communities and experts discuss historical immigration and emigration.
More about the project at

Macht und Tradition, Kultur im Fluss

Event info

Landesmusikschule Gmunden