
Construction site open day

Lime burning in Grundlsee

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Simple Smart Buildings
© Lorenz Keiblinger


  • Welcome and introduction
  • Project presentation - Grundlsee lime kiln Introduction to lime technology, lime kilns, firing processes, extinguishing 
  • Summary, final discussion, ending with bread and wine
Meeting point: Gasthof Veit in Gößl near Grundlsee

In Grundlsee, in the district of Gössl, there is a lime kiln in which lime was last successfully burnt over 70 years ago. The limestone and the firewood to fire the kiln were felled in Grundlsee.

Over centuries it was also taken for granted that the material extracted nearby was processed directly there. Tho knowledge about lime burning has been lost over the decades and this workshop is intended to reacquire and pass it on. All intrested parties are cordially invited to takt part in the experience of burning lime. As the fire has to burn overnight, we are also looking for volunteers who would like to do a night shift.

Reservation is requested under or +43 153 415 850 500

Simple Smart Buildings

What materials and techniques have been used in the past to build resilient houses? Which of these building methods have proven to be durable, sustainable and beautiful in the long term? An exploration with workshops and lectures as participatory knowledge transfer.
More about the project at

Globalokal – Building the New

Event info

Gössler Wand