
New European Bauhaus Festival | Side-Event

Tourist building culture - a driver of sustainable development?

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New European Bauhaus Festival
© New European Bauhaus Festival


The history and present of tourism in Austria are literally materialised in its tourist building culture in all the ambivalence inherent in tourism as an economic factor and social phenomenon. Therefore, the examination of the topic of "tourist building culture" opens up a broad spectrum of illustrative material and the resulting questions regarding the challenges that tourism-influenced regions will face in the future with regard to the socio-ecological transformation that is also imminent in the tourism sector.

In particular, this discussion also allows us to sound out the design possibilities that arise when tourism construction and the associated investment potential is understood and pursued as a driver of integrally conceived, sustainable development. More specifically: If it is programmatically and concertedly aligned with what is being formulated today in the light of the Sustainable Development Goals and is already being implemented in many places on a pilot basis in initiatives such as the “New European Bauhaus” and its guiding principles of sustainability, aesthetics and inclusion.

The Salzkammergut is rich in examples of the diversity and the aesthetic as well as socio-cultural significance of tourist building culture – from the “Imperial Bad Ischl”, the summer houses in Ausseerland, the hotels and apartment buildings that have emerged in the course of increasing mass tourism, to the chalet villages that have emerged more recently and are associated with new forms of parahotels.

For “Salzkammergut 2024”, too, the question arises as to what form and “face” sustainable tourism could take in the future and what development would be desirable for all those involved. In this context, the event “Touristic building culture – motor of sustainable development” is intended to examine the role that tourist building culture can play in this development. The leitmotif triad of the New European Bauhaus – sustainability, aesthetics and inclusion – will serve as a framework.

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Gemeindeamt Altaussee


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