
Hippies & Hunters – Smirna Kulenovic

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Hippies & Hunters
© Smirna Kulenovic


Sound installation, documentary film

The artist’s work focuses on the overlap of two sound traditions, which exist in the same Austrian region despite their different cultural backgrounds: traditional Austrian yodelling and traditional Buddhist chanting. The first tradition is practised by the inhabitants of Grünau im Almtal – storytellers, hunters and farmers – while the second is cultivated by the Buddhist community at the Gomde Centre in Scharnstein 

Although these practices come from very different cultures, Kulenovics’ initiative aims to merge these two forms of expression into a single choir and musical composition. This endeavour aims to facilitate the exchange of vocal traditions and promote a collaborative soundscape. In addition, the project includes an artistic documentary film that follows the process of bringing these two communities and their singing practices together. The film aims to reflect the theme of local folklore of mythical interactions with nature through fictional performative actions inspired by regional fairy tales.

Hippies & Hunters

The project is the result of an intensive transdisciplinary research process that included interactions with the inhabitants of the two regions. It sheds light on the mutual scepticism and stereotypes that each group holds towards the other. The project seeks to overcome these initial misunderstandings by using the transcendent qualities of sound as a medium to promote deeper understanding.

Smirna Kulenovic is a transdisciplinary artist, researcher, filmmaker, lecturer and PhD candidate at the Berlin University of the Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts. She is currently working with the Open Documentary Lab at MIT, the Ars Electronica Centre and the Bohemian Pavilion in Venice. Her international engagements include the Yale School of Architecture, the Yale School of Drama, Oxford, the Royal Institute of Arts Stockholm, the University of London, Syracuse University New York and others.

Art Your Village

This project deals with local identities, primarily within the smaller locations within the Salzkammergut region. International artists or artist groups engage with these locations and develop projects in the form of interventions over the course of the year.
More about the project at

Sharing Salzkammergut – Die Kunst des Reisens, Kultur im Fluss

Event info

Pfarrhof Grünau im Almtal - Veranstaltungslocation
Kirchenplatz 3, 4645 Grünau im Almtal