Art Your Village

The Gaze of the Outsider

The researching artistic gaze from the outside is placed on local communities, on traditions and rituals, history and stories, on cultural activities, perhaps also on conflicts and points of dispute.

Subject to change
Art Your Village
© Katrīna Neiburga

Emeka Ogboh (Lagos), Willi Dorner (Vienna), Antoine Turillon (Paris) & Hannes Zebedin (Sela na Krasu/SLO), Katrina Neiburga (Riga), Simon Starling (Glasgow, Copenhagen), Smirna Kulenovic (Sarajevo), Construct Lab with Clemens Bauder, Felix Ganzer, Alexander Römer (AT, DE, BE, et al. a.), Elena Mazzi (Turin), Dirk Schlichting (Herne/DE), Fabian Faltin (Vienna), Karoline Hjorth (Oslo) & Riitta Ikonen (Helsinki) (artists)
Gottfried Hattinger (Curator)

Elfi Sonnberger (Production Manager)


About the project

This project deals with local identities, primarily within the smaller locations within the Salzkammergut region. International artists or artist groups engage with these locations and develop projects in the form of interventions over the course of the year.

What happens when what is foreign makes a stop in the Salzkammergut region? Not as an interference, but instead as an artistic changing of perspective that changes the point of view and thus makes the new and unknown possible. Is that at all possible in a place where the inhabitants prefer, outside of the season, to be amongst themselves and what will this, in turn, make possible? The projects in Art Your Village – Der fremde Blick (Art Your Village – The Foreign Gaze) come from a wide variety of different artistic disciplines and are performed in public space or different buildings such as galleries, taverns or in private areas. The type of project and its topics will result from the research phase: exhibitions, performances, films, sculptures or other interventions. As is befitting for the title, the cooperation and interaction with the people and their lived realities on-site is the focus.


Emeka Ogboh (NG) „ÅNDAS“

"Åndas" is more than a name; it summarises the essence of "variation". This beer is a bridge for intercultural dialogue. Brewed within the borders of the Salzkammergut, Åndas combines the essence of the region with global nuances. This beer not only quenches thirst, but promotes understanding, celebrates global diversity and redefines our notions of familiar and foreign. The recipe primarily uses grains and plants from the region, but also dares to think outside the box and includes ingredients from the African continent. These components are more than mere ingredients; they embody narratives from different regions and combine global stories with local traditions. Åndas' advertising campaign takes a nuanced approach that reflects the beer's dual identity - rooted in tradition yet global. The posters show people of African descent embodying different global cultures. "ÅNDAS" is more than a beer concept; it is a visual and sensory statement about the beauty and importance of diversity, which is reflected in its unique taste that combines local heritage with global flavours.