
Fiction Salzkammergut

Fabian Puttinger and Norbert Artner at Hallstatt railway station

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Fiktion Salzkammergut
© Fabian Puttinger/Norbert Artner


Cartographic + Photographic Fabian Puttinger works as an artist in residency at Hallstatt railway station - Norbert Artner's photographs are on display.

The Salzkammergut is viewed with the help of different data 3-dimensional landscape printed in postcard formats, while the view into the distance is shown in large-format images. 

Fabian Puttinger – Cartographic
This project creates a unique link between a 120-year-old printing press and modern terrain and map data. With the help of three-dimensional embossed prints, which are produced directly on site on a hand-operated letterpress machine, fascinating regional features and contexts are illustrated. The resulting
postcard-sized maps are gradually developed into a series and presented at the railway station. This collection enables a critical view of the Salzkammergut region and its challenges.

Norbert Artner – Exhibition: Landscape and Artificial Mountains
The theme is not only the original copies of the architecture, but also the images in the picture, which can be perceived as commentaries on the selected places in Hallstatt. Hallstatt meets China, China meets Hallstatt; Asian tourists visit the Salzkammergut, Austrians visit the reconstructed Hallstatt near the city of Huizhou in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong. …
The large-format photos from the Chinese Hallstatt replica […] do not – and this is their great strength – appear satirical or overbearingly critical of culture. Her performance is opening, it moves in the space of question marks and dashes, not exclamation marks and inverted commas. Artner’s art makes it clear that the world cultures of the future will not arise from conflict and competition, the dispute over original or copy, but from a multitude of new practices of participation, interest and the experience of diversity.
Thomas Macho “Wahrzeichen Warenzeichen”, in Hallstatt Revisited, Linz 2015
The works on display were created during research for the “Hallstatt Revisited” project in Guangdong Province and the sub-provincial city of Shenzhen.

The railway station can only be reached directly by public transport
parking possibility in Obertraun and by foot approx. 25min.
Parking in Hallstatt with crossing with the ship (approx.7€)

public transport access only
No barrier-free access to the station concourse via the staircase
OEBB traffic area – children only under supervision
No public WC – €1 on neighbouring property only in good weather

Salt Lake Cities

Regional empty spaces as places of experience and meeting points for art: the Capital of Culture 2024 invites young artists from Germany and abroad to research, live and work in these spaces and to activate them with artistic contributions.
More about the project at

Sharing Salzkammergut – Die Kunst des Reisens

Event info

Bahnhof Hallstatt
Obertraun (auf der anderen Seite des Sees), 4830 Hallstatt


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