
Get Together Tour

Presentation of the artist residencies of the Salt Lake Cities STOPs and STATIONs project.

26/07/24KarmelitinnenklosterKlosterplatz 8, 4810 Gmunden
© Theresa Hattinger


The artists show their work in the former convent garden of the Carmelite nuns in Gmunden, at Pettenbach railway station and in the Schloss Eggenberg brewery.

Salt Lake Cities STOPs and STATIONs invite you to visit the residency studios in the former Convent Garden of the Carmelite nuns of Gmunden, at Pettenbach railway station with a finale and exhibition opening in the old brewhouse of the Eggenberg Castle Brewery.

The event starts at 14:00 in the former convent garden of the Carmelite nuns in Gmunden with the residency results of Catherine Flood and May Rosenthal Sloan  
In the meantime, at around 16:00, there will be an excursion to Pettenbach railway station to Jari Genser’s Stop the Train I’m Leaving in the studio and objects of Markus Moser SEEYOU #1 in the abandoned dispatcher’s room, to conclude the evening from 18:00 in the Eggenberg brewery at the exhibition opening by Marit Wolters, Genoveva Kriechbaum and Iwajla Klinke to round off the event.

Registration is requested for Schloss Eggenberg:

Salt Lake Cities

Regional vacant buildings as places of experience and meeting places for art: the Capital of Culture 2024 invites young artists from Germany and abroad to research, live and work in them and to activate them with artistic contributions.
More about the project at

Sharing Salzkammergut – Die Kunst des Reisens

Event info

Klosterplatz 8, 4810 Gmunden